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Geting started with a firm in Romania - Yes Timisoara

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Geting started with a firm in Romania

If you want to get to Romania and start a business, it’s good to have some local contact that could help you with the local laws and how to open and maintain a firm. Because the bureaucracy it’s really important that you have some help to get started.

To get started in Romania first you must have a company. You can try and start it yourself, loosing time to get all the papers ready or you could get a lawyer or someone who does this kind of things all the time to do this for you. If you want to do it yourself you would pay around 250 euro, if someone does it for you, it’s around 400 euro. The difference is the time, money and stress that you will have with Romanian commerce functionaries. And trust us, there is a lot of stress and lost time on our counters.

Anyway, you’ve started a firm here and you want to produce somethings like clothes, let’s say. You will need to have some hr consulting firm to help you get proper workers for what you need to do And after you get the workers, it would be wise to have a hr software to help you manage the workers and the payments and if you want to make things easy for the accountants you might as well get a payroll software so the money status should always be clear. This payroll software will help you manage how much to get to the workers and how much to pay to the state as work tax, so when you want to employ someone, you will now for sure how much to negotiate so all the parts are satisfied.

Of course, there are a lot of others steps in process, but from human resource point of view, this things will help you manage everything more smoothly.

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